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I follow an integrative coaching approach, utilizing aspects of goal orientated coaching, positive psychology and neuroscience. My coaching is usually done with clear progression against developmental goals and coaching focus areas agreed with the client in the initial engagement.   

Most of all my approach aim to develop leadership competency and capacity. My business experience allows me to grasp implications of organization strategy and culture, and to relate that to the competencies required in the work role. Initial engagements usually explore these aspects, and competency profiling is often included. I assist clients to come to grips with new ways of thinking and behaving in the workplace, and I often challenge and encourage active experimentation. Capacity development often includes neuroscience based approaches for Peak Performance and Memory Reconsolidation.

A typical developmental process could make provision for the following stages:

  • Developing personal insight. The coachee will be provided with a detailed leadership and professional competence profile to assist in a higher level of awareness of strengths and limitations, and typical behavioural response pattern dynamics in the workplace.

  • Building on your personal motivation. Defining your identity and goals after exploration of the meaning derived from work and relationships.

  • Overcoming limitations in your ideal identity and goals. Learning about personal emotions and overcoming self-imposed limitations. 

  • Optimising peak performance and flow in relation to your current reality as well as your long term objectives. 

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